Monday, February 28, 2011

The Next Hot Product in Skincare: Emu Oil

From: Beauty News LA

What comes to mind when I say EMU? An Australian bird that’s six feet tall with tons of dark brown and black feathers. Oh yes, and it’s a bird – but it can’t fly. What does this have to do with the latest craze in beauty products? My idea of emus and their place in my beauty regime changed when I talked to some of the top celebrities and the make up artists who tend to their pampered skin.

The oil produced by the emu is closest of all oils to natural human skin oil. It’s odorless, lightweight and doesn’t clog pores. Its moisturizing abilities are phenomenal and it is helping to create and maintain some of the most gorgeous complexions in Hollywood. The amazing healing powers of emu oil were known to Aboriginals in Australia over 50,000 years ago when it was used to treat joint pain, burns and to hydrate the skin, making it softer, firmer and more elastic. Hollywood is now following the lead of the Aboriginals, who must have been onto something!

Among the many beneficial aspects of this light, sweet, odorless, non staining oil are its positive effect on such problems as acne, arthritis, cuts, abrasions, joint pain, sun burns, dry skin, stretch marks, psoriasis, and even eczema. One of the main reasons for its popularity among the product- jaded movie types for whom glowing skin is a requirement under those unforgiving stage lights, is that it not only makes you look good, it also slows down the aging process of one’s skin.

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Dr. Bo Wagner of Sherman Oaks, California realized the benefits of the oil and decided to start producing it for his demanding clientele that includes some of Hollywood’s most gorgeous faces. Unlike other companies that manufacture the oil, Dr. Bo Wagner’s products are certified 100% organic. Many companies mix in chemicals such as Drain-O into the oil to make it less thick and heat the product up to 520 degrees Fahrenheit, which destroys some of the important properties in the oil that contribute to healing, says Dr. Wagner. Nothing goes into the small bottles with adorable hand printed labels other than pure, organic emu oil. Rather than mass producing the product, Dr. Bo Wagner and his employees use a patented slow process to produce the oil that is “flying” off his shelves faster than the ungainly emu could run!

Dr. Bo Wagner produces several unique products that include this magical and environmentally friendly oil. My favorite is the pale yellow pure emu oil which can be applied at night on face, hands and even the scalp and lets me wake up feeling and looking younger than when I went to sleep. Emu oil lotion, a mixture of pure emu oil and skin enhancing vitamins, can be applied any time of day and is light, fresh and incredibly moisturizing. There are a line of six different scented hand-crafted soaps, one of which can also be used as a shampoo. Last but not least there is a line of natural, organic lip balms which are very popular among make-up artists for men! Yes, the guys are onto the emu too and male celebrities just love the unscented but ultra moisturizing lip products!

At half the cost of some touted beauty products, this super healing elixir straight from nature has calmed down many ruffled feathers of million dollar complexions that just have to look perfect. Now us non-celebs can look as good with the help of this quirky but miraculous bird. Emu is the new buzzword for healing, calming and rejuvenating and so it has become my favorite must have item and not just for the beauties of Sunset Strip. You know what they say – birds of a feather, flock together, well I’m flocking with some of the most gorgeous faces in town and protected from the harmful rays of the sun while looking good and rejuvenating my skin.

Getting to know Rosehips Oil

Rosehips oil is a cosmetic wonder due to its exclusive formula of natural occurring trans-retinoic acid (Vitamin A) and Vitamin C. It is scientifically proven to aid and reduce (if applied twice a day every day for approx. three months) scars. Likewise, it will reduce and prevent stretch marks, wrinkles & premature ageing, scar tissues, hyper-pigmented spots and redness and photo aging. It will also immediately relieve dry skin and eczema and is an excellent skin moisturizer for normal to dry skin.
Rosehips Oil is extracted from the seeds contained in the intensely red berry-like fruits –or hips- of a wild rose-bush that grows in the cool, lush mountain rainy valley of the southern Andes, in Chile.
This wild rose is known by the people of Chile as “Rosa Mosqueta“, and by scientists as Rosa Affinis Mosqueta. Its healing properties were a well kept secret of the native people of Chile for centuries. Now they have been validated by scientific research worldwide.
Rosehips oil is also known as dry oil because of its ability to permeate into extremely dry, ageing and wrinkled skin without leaving a greasy film on the skin. This oil is loaded with essential fatty acids and works wonders on dehydrated, acne prone and scar ridden skin.
Vitamin A which helps to slow down the skin ageing process is found abundantly in this oil. By increasing the collagen and elastin levels of the skin and promoting cell regeneration, Vitamin A helps to make the skin appear firmer, smoother and more elastic. Rosehip oil is also rich in linolenic and linoleic acids which are essential skin nutrients.
For people suffering from hyper-pigmentation, application of rosehip oil will help to diminish the skin blemishes and restore the skin's normal tone. Applying rosehip oil on sunburned skin can accelerate the healing process and prevent long term damages.
Stretch marks, chicken pox and acne scars can be treated with the nourishing rosehip oil. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil can help to treat burns and dermatitis. Regular application of this oil can help to lighten these scars.